Get to know the team behind Lagniappe Table…
Savoring good food, great fellowship – and a little something extra – as we learn and gather together around our family table. Come join us!
Hi y’all! Welcome to Lagniappe Table -the place where we share our family adventures in food, fellowship, and homeschooling around our table. We are Garrett and Mary Clark. We have been married for 11 years. Shortly after getting married, we moved to Nashville, Tennessee where we have lived ever since.

We have 4 children – one daughter and three sons – and two (big) dogs. We homeschool our oldest two children. Garrett works from home. We host a homeschool co-op. We truly LIVE in our house and around our table. Needless to say, our home is filled with a LOT of joyful noise, and often a BIG, beautiful mess.
In the midst of the adventure of raising (and teaching) four little ones, we love to cook and bake delicious food from scratch, and host (big and small) gatherings of family and friends. In this season of life, that sometimes means inviting friends into our chaos and imperfection. But what our home lacks in refinement, we hope is made up for in love, encouragement, delicious food, and ALWAYS feeling welcome at our table!

Neither of us have any culinary background – just a true love of food and fellowship. And we like to think that comes through in everything we do here at Lagniappe Table! We promise to share our successes as well as our failures and laughable moments around the table. We will share recipes for the good ones. And some tips or what-not-to-do’s for the mishaps. We will share about our homeschool journey, and cheer you on in yours. So come laugh with us. Come learn with us. Come be encouraged in your own adventures in food, fellowship, and homeschooling. You are welcome here at our table!