Since announcing our adoption, we have received LOTS of questions. Understandably! We wanted to share answers to some of the frequently asked questions we have received here.
Why Adoption?
First of all, we have a heart for adoption because God has a heart for adoption.
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. – Psalm 68:5

Secondly, I was adopted as an infant. And then as a teenager, I experienced my second adoption – my spiritual adoption into God’s family. And because of this, I have ever since felt a calling to adopt. You can read more about my story here.
The need:
Sadly there are around 140 million orphaned children worldwide. This number is only growing, day by day, and year by year. Adoption is one beautiful way that God chooses to care for the orphan. It is a heartbreaking reality that only about 0.5% of these orphaned children will ever be adopted. The need is great.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. – James 1:27
For a long time, we have felt called to adopt. We do recognize that not everyone is called to adoption or foster care. But as believers, we are all called to care for the orphan and the widow – everyone can do something! Our hope is that as we share our jouney, you will walk alongside us in this calling – whether through prayers, practical needs, or financial support. We know it will take a village that only the Lord can provide!
How did you choose an adoption agency?
This is a great question and a really important one!
First and foremost, we chose our agency because it is built on sound biblical doctrine, and aligned with our family values. It was also important to us to find an adoption agency that operated with complete transparency. I am so thankful that we found Lifeline! We loved that in our first conversations with several different staff members, they prayed over us. The case workers are not just there to guide you through the process, but to encourage, disciple, and help equip you for the journey. They provide families with SO much hand-holding and education throughout the adoption process, and then provide even further support and so many resources to help families once they are home with their new children and the adventure really begins.
In addition to services we would need, we wanted an agency that was really going above and beyond to care for the orphan and spread the gospel. Lifeline not only provides adoption and foster care services, but they also have global orphan care ministries, they partner with churches to care for vulnerable children, and they provide counseling and birth mother support.
Why sibling group adoption?
Sadly, there are several vulnerable groups of children that are harder to place in families. The first is those with any type of medical, or developmental special need. The second is older children. And finally, sibling groups – which often have some combination of the other 2 “special needs” categories. We believe that children belong in families. And siblings, who have already lost so much, deserve to stay together. This is where we feel called.
Yes. Sibling adoption is a big task. The cost will be high – financially as well as mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. But as Bishop W.C. Martin said at CAFO (Christian Alliance for Orphans) Summit a few weeks ago, “God never gives vision without provision.” We are fully trusting the Lord to provide and equip us for this huge undertaking – for the good of the children He has for our family, for our sanctification, and ultimately for His glory!

How did you choose international adoption?
This is a question we get a lot! Garrett and I both love to travel, and he traveled abroad extensively before we got married. I really thought at some point we would live overseas. And we did try to become missionaries at one point – but God quickly closed that door. Time and time again, God has shown us that our home, our family, is our primary ministry & mission field in this season. Adoption is one way that we see we can partner with God to “bring the gospel to the ends of the earth.”
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20
When we decided to adopt, we (being the over-analyzers that we are) explored all options. Having 4 little blessings of our own, we do not feel called to infant adoption. We explored the idea of domestic adoption and foster care, but these options are just not a good fit for our family due to some of the specifics – at least in this season with small children. We are excited about all the adventures (and even the challenges) that international adoption will bring, as we know they will bring us closer to the Lord!
Why Brazil?
God has guided us gently and patiently to Brazil – a country that wasn’t even on our radar when it came to adoption! Honestly, South America wasn’t really where we thought we would land. Based on countries and parts of the world we have experience in, we were sure we would end up adopting from Asia or somewhere in Eastern Europe. But God’s plans are the best plans!
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” – Isaiah 55:8-9
After many discussions and emails with different program workers at our adoption agency, we narrowed it down to 3 country programs with the largest amount of sibling groups in need of adoption: Bulgaria, Colombia, and Brazil. Initially we didn’t think that we would be able to even consider Brazil, because of the long in-country stay and Garrett’s new(ish) job. But God made a way. And because we are open to larger sibling groups (more than 2 children), the Lord turned our hearts to Brazil. Now hopefully we can learn some Portuguese!

How long will it take?
The process can take as long as 2-3 years, or it can be as short as 8-12 months from referral. An adoption with an urgent need (either medical, or due to risk of siblings being split up) can move quite a bit faster – more in that 8-12 month range. It just depends on a lot of specifics related to the group of children and any hurdles that come up along the way.
Where are you in the process?
We are currently beginning our home study. This entails lots of education, paperwork, and home visits. BUT in true “lagniappe” fashion, we have jumped ahead and done things a bit out of order. We would love to share more, but due to the sensitive nature, and in order to guard both our family and the kids we are advocating for, we won’t be able to post all the updates here. If you want to find out more specific details, receive updates, and find out how to pray for us, please join our adoption newsletter! (link below)
Why is (international) adoption so expensive?
The answer to this question is a complex one. First and foremost, the goal of the adoption process is to protect the best interest of the child (or children), while placing them in a safe, loving family. Because we live in a fallen world, adoption begins with brokenness and loss – death, abandonment, abuse, and trauma are just a few of the losses that these precious little ones experience. Children need to be advocated for and protected throughout the adoption process as well – before, during, and after placement. This requires many hands and professionals. And that leads to expenses.
Some of the expenses include: Agency fees (administration, advocacy, case management, and education both pre and post adoption); Home Study fees; Foreign program fees (representation, documentation, translation, and program management fees); third-party fees (psychological evaluations, citizenship & immigration services, dossier translations); and travel fees (airfare, in-country accommodations, transportation, visas, medical appointments, and documents); as well as various miscellaneous expenses that come up throughout the process.
“There’s no way around it—the adoption process is expensive because much is required and necessary to protect and serve the precious children who need families. It is, though, a picture of God’s amazing but costly grace that allowed us to become one of His children.” -Dave Wood, Lifeline’s Director of International Programs
Will it be more expensive to adopt more than 1 child?
Yes. Some, but not all of our adoption expenses will be multiplied by the number of children we are adopting. These fees include: file translation fees, visas, finalization of documents, embassy appointments, medical expenses, travel & airfare. Our travel expenses will also be increased since we will be bringing our 4 children with us to Brazil.
And also – yes! It will be a LOT more expensive once we are home as well! We will need a larger vehicle (yikes!). Additional beds. Clothes & shoes for each of the precious feet God blesses us with. And likely therapy and medical support for some or all of the children. Some days the idea of food costs alone can send me into a tailspin! BUT thankfully we serve an infinite God who richly provides us with all that we need. We are trusting alone in our Jehovah-Jireh (“The Lord WILL Provide – Genesis 22:14)!

How will you fund your adoption?
We will be doing several fundraisers in the coming months, as well as applying for grants, etc. To find out more about our fundraisers, and how you can support us, visit our fundraising page (coming soon)!
How Can I Pray for You?
- For God to prepare our hearts, specifically our 4 children, and equip us for bringing new children into our family.
- For the children God has planned for our family – to guard, protect, and comfort them, for safe adults to care for them and point them to Jesus, for the Lord to prepare their hearts to be a part of our family.
- For God to strengthen and protect our marriage.
- For wisdom and discernment.
- For protection against spiritual warfare – specifically that God would protect our family and keep us all healthy & well, protect our home, and help us to be fit with all the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20)
- For God to meet every need that arises.
- To keep our gaze firmly on the Lord, and become more like Jesus through this adoption.
- To point others to Jesus everywhere we go & in all we do.
- For the Lord to ordain our steps, and be glorified through it all.
To stay in the loop and receive updates & prayer requests, please join our adoption newsletter!
Adoption Newsletter Sign-Up
Do you have other questions for us?
Or a word of encouragement or advice. If so, please feel free to reach out! We would love to hear from you.!
For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. – Ephesians 1:4-6