We have some big news to share! But before we jump into that, let’s rewind a bit.

This was us…a little over 11 years ago. Young(er), newly married, no kids, full of energy, and starting our adoption journey. We had no idea at that point what the Lord had in store for us. But His plans and timing are always better than our own, and it has been such a fun adventure – one that only He could design!
My Adoption Story

For those of you who know me well, you probably know that I was adopted as an infant. Adoption into an earthly family is a gift that I will never stop being grateful for. My entire life would have been different if I had not been adopted. But God’s good purpose for my life was for me to be adopted by my kind parents, loved by the best big sister, and welcomed in as a part of a wonderful extended family full of grandparents, aunts & uncles, and cousins.
I am so very thankful for my earthly adoption. It is a HUGE part of my story, which led to another even more important adoption – my adoption into God’s family through my faith in Christ. Because adoption has had such an incredible impact on every part of my life, I have always desired and prayed that I would be able to adopt as well.

When Garrett and I first started dating and talking about marriage, one of the big early conversations we had was about adoption. The idea was not new to me, but it was to him – something he had never really given much thought to. Though it was a new idea, he was very open to adoption. Those conversations grew through our early courtship, to our newlywed days, and quickly became our plan A for having children and building a family.
Here’s the funny part: Garrett has always said he wants 12 children. I laughed and balked at the thought, given that we met and got married a bit later in life. I assumed that a big family just wasn’t in the cards for us. Then cut to 2013. We had been married for 2 years, and started the adoption process. About that time, I had the opportunity to attend the CAFO (Christian Alliance for Orphans) Summit at our church. It was such an incredible time of learning and encouragement. And funnily enough, I looked around and saw LOTS of big families full of precious children and older parents. It occurred to me in that moment that maybe the idea of a big family for us wasn’t so far fetched. God definitely has a sense of humor!
Other (Wonderful) Plans
In 2013, as we started to fill out the first of the adoption paperwork, one of the questions was about fertility issues. This was something we’d never really thought much about since we were planning to adopt. So I went to my doctor, she ran some tests, and the results came back – we would not be able to have biological children. I was pretty shocked – not sad or upset exactly, but surprised. And then…I was even more SHOCKED when I found out just a couple months later that we were expecting a baby girl.

Per the suggestion of our adoption counselor, we put a pause on our adoption journey as we adjusted to life with a newborn. And boy was it an adjustment! Sleep deprivation is no joke! Before we could “recover” and adjust to life with a little one… in the blink of an eye, along came our three boys. It has been a whirlwind! We have been blessed with 4 amazing children. All wonderful surprises and gifts from the Lord. It is the joy of my life to be their mom!

The Big News!
Over the past 10 years we slowly adjusted to life with kids. We started homeschooling – a huge shift for our family. And then – after many years of praying and searching – last year we had the opportunity to move to South Carolina. Another big change! Throughout all the change, God has been ever faithful.
We are so thankful to be near family, and to live in such a wonderful, family-friendly small town. We quickly found and got plugged into a wonderful local church, which was a huge answer to prayer. And we made some changes that have really impacted our health for the better. The Lord has been SO good to us. In addition to all these precious gifts, we were blessed to find a beautiful old house that has lots of quirks & plenty of space for our family to continue to grow. We know that it is all the Lord’s, and we want Him to be glorified in every square inch.

As we were praying about how to honor the Lord in this new season of life, both Garrett and I felt the leading of the Spirit towards adoption again. After much prayer and consideration and research, we have felt the Lord gently leading us to pursue international adoption. We feel our specific calling as a family is to adopt and keep a sibling group together, and this is what led us to the country of Brazil.

We are stepping out in obedience to God’s calling, knowing that it is He who ordains our steps, and we are just playing a small part in His plan. This adoption journey is a huge leap of faith for our family – from timing to logistics to finances. We know that we can’t do it alone – it will take a village!
We are confident that where the Lord calls, He will equip and provide. Our job is just to trust in Him completely, and to walk one step at a time, in faith and obedience as He leads. We are prayerful and excited to see what the Lord has in store for our family!

Join us on this Adoption Journey!
Would you like to be a part of our “village?” Will you commit to pray for us? We would LOVE for you to come alongside us on this adoption journey! We will be posting occasional updates on our blog and social media, but due to the sensitive nature of the process, and desire to protect the children, we will only be sharing small pieces of our journey online. If you want to know more details, and how to specifically be praying for us, you can sign up for our adoption prayer newsletter below. We will be sending out newsletters monthly, or as we have specific updates/needs.
Adoption Newsletter Sign-Up
I will be posting another blog sometime this week answering some of the most-asked questions we have received from friends and family since starting our adoption journey (there have been quite a few!). We will also be sharing some fundraising opportunities very soon. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to us personally with any questions, suggestions, or encouragement. We are so grateful for all of your prayers and support!
Mary Clark & Garrett

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
Romans 8:14-17