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Strawberry Farm Field Trip: Homeschool Adventures

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This spring, we went on a strawberry farm field trip with our homeschool co-op to Head’s Farm in Cedar Hill, TN. One of my favorite things about homeschooling is getting to take adventures and make memories with my kids during the school day.

Two little boys ready for the strawberry farm field trip
Strawberry field with overcast skies

We picked berries. The kids enjoyed story time and made a craft with Mrs. Rose from Stokes Brown Public Library. We ate a picnic lunch with friends. And of course, they played in the big piles of dirt and just enjoyed the farm. It was so much fun! 

Story time at the farm with Mrs. Rose

Plus – anytime I can take an opportunity to give them a hands-on experience tied to something we’ve been learning about, I jump on it! I’m convinced that these experiences are where they learn the most. 

Let’s Gather ‘Round

This past year in our homeschool, we have been going through a series of unit studies from Gather ‘Round. I’m pretty sure I have learned as much or more than the kids! If you haven’t heard of Gather ‘Round, you are in for a treat! They are one of our favorite curriculum resources. I love being able to teach all my kids together with Gather ‘Round, even though they are at different stages in their learning. Plus – it is creative, and truthfully just fun! It is a curriculum that I enjoy teaching. It allows us to connect and explore ideas together. And it also gives flexibility for pursuing rabbit trails, doing hands-on projects, and going on adventures like this one!

Picking strawberries
Delighting in the strawberries
Checking out her strawberry haul

Food & Farming

One of the units we studied this year was Farming & Food. It was a fabulous, very in-depth unit. I loved that we dove into learning about not only farming, but how all of our food goes from the farm to our table. We learned about everything from grain to dairy farms; from fish hatcheries to cattle ranches; from pig farms (Garrett’s favorite, obviously) to coffee farms (my favorite!); and we can’t forget flower farms (Acadiana’s favorite) and fruit farms – like the one we visited today! It was fascinating!

Children picking strawberries at the farm

Strawberry Farm Field Trip

Then seeing the farm in person, and learning how the plants grow in real life; walking through the field; smelling the scents; picking the berries – and of course tasting them! It was a priceless learning experience that made our lessons at home come to life! And I really do believe the fresh-from-the-vine strawberries from Head’s farm were the best I’ve ever had. 

Box of ripe strawberries
Happy children on a strawberry farm field trip

So homeschool momma (or any parent for that matter!) – I encourage you to get out and enjoy those adventures with your children! Take your own strawberry farm field trip! The lesson plans and checklists can wait. And a life lived together is the greatest lesson anyway. Today is a gift from the Lord, let us rejoice and be glad in it! And maybe even enjoy a strawberry or two. 

Want to know what we did with all those strawberries?! Stay tuned…